Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

What is Company name? Is there any other sister concern?

What is registered address and company details?

You can find in Contact us section along with Banking Details ,Incorporation No ,Pan No and GST No.

When was it formed?

Indezon was formed on 4th October 2018.

What are other products and their links where I can check about company?.

kindly go to

Channel Partners

What are the products and services do Indezon Business sell or provide to customer?

As B2B and B2C company we provide multiple product and services .However we provide Recharge BBPS and Prepaid card for Bill Payment.

Which Bank or company products Indezon Provides services?

As B2B Company we provide all fintech product and services either through Direct API Integration from Bank or through third party API Partner to Cater out Customers.

How do I start with Indezon Fintech product?

Go to Business Listing option in and put your request or call to our customer care executive-7065899991 to get new any new product or write to

What are the documents required to register as Agents/Channel Partner?

Documents vary product to product, Generally Self Attested Pan card/Address Proof/Mobile no/Email id and Business proof is required to get your registered or as per product to product require

Who will solve customer care queries?

As per defined product feature, we will guide in case of any issue.

Is Indezon is responsible for any delay or defect in service?

No, however we will provide service warranty of product and help customer who buy with us.

How will dispute resolved be resolved with Indezon?

Mutual agreement with any agents /channel partners or asks for refund for undue delay of product or services. No claim can be done once complaint is not done after 48 hours of delivery. Services if already provided can’t be refunded but improved. Buyers need to check before any deal is done.


Are charges for agent’s services already activated refundable if not used?

Any charges related to Agent, distributor, PG Charges and Successful transaction will not be refunded

How can I contact if not answered by Custmer care and not replied by customer care email id ?

Call to 9811339311-for any help if not answered/or Do visit to our registered address given in our website.